‘Ilima Sponsor
‘Ilima Sponsor

‘Ilima Sponsor
MAY 18 - MAY 19, 2024
Hilton Hawaiian Village & Online
2024 DPH Convention Program
Elections Vote Results
I ka wā ma mua, i ka wā ma hope
We look to the past as a guide to the future.
While living in the 21st century poses new challenges for our communities as Democrats, it also provides us an opportunity to look to our past and reclaim that knowledge/experience in developing modern-day solutions. We, Democrats, view the world looking to that time that came before us because it is rich in knowledge. Looking to the kūpuna that came before us and knowing the history of our people and our party, strongly influences how we view the world and contributes greatly to the forming of our relationships as Democrats.
We will celebrate Prince David La'amea Kahalepouli Kinoiki Kawananakoa as one of five founders of the Democratic Party of Hawai‘i. He attended the 1900 Democratic National Convention in Kansas City, Missouri where he was successful in gaining affiliation between the Hawai‘i Democratic Party and the national Democratic Party.
2024 marks the 70th anniversary of the Hawai‘i Democratic Revolution of 1954 in which Democrats took control from the Hawai‘i Republican Party, that previously dominated the legislature. Democrats have maintained a majority in the legislature ever since. This 1954 Revolution was preceded by the Hilo Massacre, strikes and protests around the Hawaiian Islands, and the strong emergence of the ILWU and other unions that significantly diminished the political and economic influence of the Big Five in Hawai‘i. John A. Burns, Democratic Party Chair from 1952-56, worked with union organizers to elect Democrats resulting in the 1954 Revolution in the legislature and ultimately his election as Hawai‘i’s first Democratic Governor in 1962.
This Democratic majority of the Legislature has seen Hawaiʻi lead the nation in advancing fundamental democratic values for the benefit of not only our Aloha State, but throughout the nation. It is because of our Democratic majority that today we celebrate state protections of the right to choose, marriage equality, and workers’ rights. And while we celebrate the profound accomplishments of Democrats past and present, we also turn our eyes to the future. To the next generation of Democrats who will draw inspiration from the strength and wisdom of these past victories and continue the Democratic tradition of fighting for fair and equal rights of all.
We are putting on a hybrid 2024 DPH State Convention to adjust to the ever-changing landscape and we are excited to announce that there are two (2) different ways for Delegates to participate.
1. In-person with on-line voting, or
2. On-line voting only
How to cast your vote in the 2024 DPH State Convention
Securing YOUR Vote for the 2024 DPH State Convention - Recording * Slide Deck
I'm a Delegate, NOW what? - Recording at our YouTube Channe